Tuesday, 23 January 2007

We could be the first.... normally we are!

Managed to get up in time this morning...after a marathon sleep!

Had a busy day - although I have to get my head around some VAT rules for our products. It's not as easy as it all sounds.

After work, I attended the Radio Link and Safer Socialising meeting at Pickwicks. Very interesting meeting, however had to finish cleaning the coffee machine and cash up whilst it was going on.

Great news is the 'Safer Socialising Scheme', which is designed to reassure customers and support the many aspects of holding a licence (to sell alcohol), will be going ahead. We just need to consult with some current holders of a premises licence.

Wells hopes to be the first City in the South West to have this award. Watch this space....

After that, it was off to the Chamber of Commerce meeting in the City Arms. Had a good meeting, were Cllr. John Osman updated the chamber with his City Plan proposals. The presentation went well and he should get some useful feed back from it.

The last port of call was a pizza in ASK....

Then back home - enter my wages for the month (so the Accountant can do his bit), updated this blog and then typed my Mayor's Diary for the Wells Journal.....


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