Friday, 26 January 2007

Mayor's Diary for 25th January 2007 - as published in the Wells Journal

The winter has truly arrived. I don’t really do weather forecasts. However I’ve been told by loads of people (quite why I don’t know) that it’s all going to get much colder. So wrap up and be careful.

Over the past week I’ve attended 5 events, functions and meetings as your Mayor.

On Wednesday I attended an excellent presentation by the British Army. The event was held in Bath to highlight what your Army is doing in the name of our Country.

The presentation proved once again, that we have the most gallant, courageous and professional fighting force in the world.

Some of you may disagree with a few of their deployments (a decision for which at the end of the day is made by the Government and not the Army), however they display firm commitment and professionalism in every job they do.

The Army were very open in their presentation and allowed questions from the floor. The Generals answering were not afraid about being open and honest in reply.

On Friday I flew to Dublin to visit a mate of mine who will shortly be flying to Bermuda to work for a couple of years. Had a great time over there – and did some PR work for the City. Many people who I met (my mate has a few friends in the city) couldn’t believe that a town with a population of about 11,000 could be a City? Sorted them all out with a brief history of Wells. More on my visit please visit my blog:

When I returned from Ireland on Sunday (within one hour of me getting home), I was suited and booted and in the Mayor’s Parlour to host a lunchtime meal for the South Horrington Leaseholders Association. Was a fantastic meal, which finished off a hectic weekend.

Crashed out into bed quite early that evening…first time I’ve done that for a while.

Over the next week my diary includes Council meetings including a full City Council meeting to decide the precept, meetings with YMCA, a LAT’s meeting in St. Thomas’ Hall and a sleep out in Wells. I’ll also try and keep my blog upto date with developments.

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