Tuesday, 6 March 2007

Twinned with manic.....as usual

A very busy day today!! I still have two people off and we were run over this morning!!

This morning there was only Katchina, Lois and myself in! We were full to the brim by 1030hrs which meant an awful lot of drinks, croissants and crumpets! In fact we were so busy, I couldn't get to the phone for help! It didn't help of course that our phone still isn't working (after I dropped it in my cup of tea on Friday). It still rings, but we cant answer it.

So the phone kept ringing, I had about 15 missed calls and several messages on my mobile. It was manic but great fun. It is very pleasing to see that Pickwicks has become the choice of many people in the city.

It all calmed down a bit, when our new phoned and extra staff arrived.

Nathan has a serious cold which I think is linked to him being out until 0830hrs Sunday morning on his 18th brithday bash.

At 1800hrs, I attended a planning meeting for the YMCA Party in the Mayor's Parlour. It is going to be an excellent evening. All those involved have put in so much effort. Can't wait....

There was meant to be a LATs meeting in the Indictment Room (Town Hall). However, that started at 1830hrs so was unable to attend.

After the YMCA meeting, I attended the Wells Twinning Association AGM in the Little Theatre. This organisation manages the twinning between the city and Bad Durkheim (Germany) and Parry Le Monial (France). As Mayor, I am it's President for the year.

So it is my job to chair the AGM until the Chairman is either elected or re-elected. It was no surprise that Bob Reynolds was once again elected as Chairman. He has put so much time and effort into it all. Well done to Bob and his team.

I did promise the AGM that I would place a link on my blog. So, if you want to find out more information on the Wells Twinning Association, please click here. I have place a permanent link into my 'Wells Blogroll'.

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