Sunday, 4 March 2007

My cordless wasn't water will still ring!

On Friday we were completely run over in Pickwicks. Usually the week after half term is relatively quiet - but today we were inundated. This meant me having my lunch at about 1600hrs! I'm getting used to it now.

During the day, I dropped the cordless phone into my cup of tea (liquorice tea... feel relaxed afterwards)!! This is the second time I've done that (although the first time I dropped it into my cappuccino). Anyway, the phone rings but we can't answer it!! Ho hum.....

In the evening, we went a group of friends to The Three Horseshoes at Batcombe. We had a wonderful meal, even though we all arrived there late. For those who don't know, Batcombe is a lovely village in the most rural part of Mendip. So it took a little time and the help of the Mayoress' sat nav to get us to the Inn.

Had an interesting discussion with a mate of mine called Andy. He is very much into conspiracy theories. This lead to a lengthy debate of recent events and their origins! He told me to watch some DVDs which will give me another side of the story!!

Well, I can't wait for that!!

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