Tuesday, 27 March 2007

Legal Service is all about dressing up.....

On Sunday, the Mayoress and I attended the Legal Service in Wells Cathedral.

I always enjoy this service, as it is full of pomp and circumstance. All of the Councillors (from Wells) were robed, as were members of the Somerset Judiciary. Also in attendance, were several Mayor's from around the county.

A slight hiccup in the service, when some of the Mayor's sat in the wrong place!! This meant that my Chaplain had to sit in another pew!!! Sorry Lavinia.

After the service, we joined the out going High Sheriff for dinner. I would like to thank both Brig. Alistair Fife and his wife Dee for their service to the City over the year.

The office of High sheriff dates back to over 1000yrs! The role is now ceremonial, however the High Sheriff does have a role in liaising with the judiciary. The post lasts for one year and does not attract an allowance or expenses!!!!

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