Thursday, 1 March 2007

Is the world of skittles prepared....????

Spent most of my time today creating a news letter for Pickwicks. I got the idea from a friend of mine who owns a restaurant in the city. Basically, it sets out what we are about, any new products and that sort of thing.

It's easy to create as it is done on Word. Just need to amend a few points and then print.

I had to also sort out a resident's query reference a path to her house. Sadly, it looks like being a bigger project than I first expected.

At 1915hrs, I attended the finance meeting of the City Council. I arrived slightly late, due to me concentrating on the newsletter. The committee were half way through discussing proposals to take control of Wells Recreation Park. A very interesting project indeed!!

After the meeting I met with Chris, Alan and their various friends in The Crown for a drink. Was great to catch up with them. Chris invited me to go along to one of their skittle matches. Seems like good fun.

Skittles is very big around Wells and indeed Somerset. Whole leagues and web sites are devoted to them. My former boss Tony was a Captain of a team in Western Super Mare. He created a database of the scores and every other stat you could think of for his league. He then published it on the web..... I can't remember the link name right now - but watch this space for the web address....

One bit of embarrassment - Nathan had a mention in the Wells Journal as he is 18 on Saturday. His Mum and two brothers posted a picture of a very cute and innocent Nathan when he was about five, into the Birthdays section of the paper!! Oh how he has changed........

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