Friday, 30 March 2007

I could talk for hours...well actually I almost did!!

On Wednesday I took half day from Pickwicks.... having loads of time off this week!! Although most of it to be fair is doing my Mayoral role....which is work before certain people say anything!!

Spent the afternoon hosting three presentations in the Mayor's Parlour for the Southampton branch of the John Lewis Coffee Club. Basically this is a group of retired John Lewis employees from the old Tyrell & Green (aka John Lewis).

My Aunt worked and retired with the company. As a company they really do look after their employees (including the retired ones).

About 60 members visited Wells for the day. About 50 of them wanted to see Pickwicks and me as Mayor.

So I did three presentations in the Parlour on the role of Mayor and a brief history of the City.

They all loved it...and collected over #110 for one of my charities (Macmillan Support).

My Aunt came along to the final of the presentations, which she then insisted on being next to me in all of the photo's! One of the groups even included a former Mayor and Mayoress of Winchester!! He knew his stuff.......we couldn't make anything up with him in the room.

After the presentations, I left Wells to got to Frome for another presentation. This time was to tell an audience of business people, how Wells coped with the filming of Hot Fuzz. The Chairman did bill me as a 'star'!!. I said this wasn't the case, however I did get credited!

I spent about 25min explaining the events that unfolded. I particularly mentioned the part our Town Clerk played in ensuring the smooth running of the filming. If it wasn't for his often quick thinking, there could of been some rather embarrassing issues occur.

Also he was central to negotiating a very good deal regarding publicity to Wells (he also got a credit, but listed after my name...).

After all that I was presented out..... went over the friends house for supper as I had to take them to the airport early in the morning.

The curry was mild but the signatures annoyed me!!

I actually got the whole day off on Tuesday!! Haven't had a day off during the week for a while. Believe me, I needed a break!!

Had a fantastic lie in until about 1100hrs. Was then woken by a call from a mate of mine, Simon Selby, reminding me about meeting for lunch.

So we went for our customary lunchtime curry. Normally, I'd have a madras strength dish....however at lunchtime - I go for mild!

After that I popped into the Council office to update my diary. Then it was off for a presentation regarding video eMailing etc. Was a very good tool and can see loads of possibilities for it.

I then spent most of the evening collecting the necessary signatures for my election campaign in May. It is an over the top system to stand for election. Most of the paper work is just not needed!!

After all that, went to a mate of mine - Rob Jones - who cooked me dinner. Was great to catch up with Rob. He lives in Glastonbury, so am not able to see him as often as I should.

Tuesday, 27 March 2007

Ann Wain's funeral

I have been informed by the family today that Ann will have here funeral on Tuesday 3rd April 2007.

The service will be held at St Mary Magdalene Church, Wookey Hole at 11:30am.

Family flowers only and donations via Hill's Funeral Directors of Wells.

All cheer the booing at the back!

Finally got to today!!

Had a fairly quiet day in Pickwicks. Most mondays are much slower trade wise in the city.

This evening my Chaplain and I hosted a reception for the sports clubs in Wells. It was a way of saying thank you for the service they do for the city and community.

All of the clubs have to face a burden in regards to laws and insurance requirements. Some of them are sensible, some of which I think justify other people's jobs!!

Anyway, all of these clubs represent Wells when they compete. So it is vital that they show the city off in it's best light.

Some of the clubs are very small and are always looking for venues and new team members. As a result of this evening, I have been invited to visit most of the clubs....

I did explain to them all, that my sporting career failed to take off - let alone to be resurrected!!!


Legal Service is all about dressing up.....

On Sunday, the Mayoress and I attended the Legal Service in Wells Cathedral.

I always enjoy this service, as it is full of pomp and circumstance. All of the Councillors (from Wells) were robed, as were members of the Somerset Judiciary. Also in attendance, were several Mayor's from around the county.

A slight hiccup in the service, when some of the Mayor's sat in the wrong place!! This meant that my Chaplain had to sit in another pew!!! Sorry Lavinia.

After the service, we joined the out going High Sheriff for dinner. I would like to thank both Brig. Alistair Fife and his wife Dee for their service to the City over the year.

The office of High sheriff dates back to over 1000yrs! The role is now ceremonial, however the High Sheriff does have a role in liaising with the judiciary. The post lasts for one year and does not attract an allowance or expenses!!!! room

Had a late spurt on Saturday after a very droll morning! Trade was good over all but patchy!

After a quick change at home, I went to the opening of Wells City FC Function Suite. The new room is the converted changing rooms. Believe me, you'll notice a difference.

I was very proud that a local club had invested so much time and money into the project. It'll not only add to the club - but also the local community.

Well done.....

During the evening, some of the team players tried to 'spoof' me. This is a Somerset game played with coins. Was up for the challenge - but they thought otherwise!!

Emma flys east to Japan......good luck!

Update for Friday..... late as usual!!

Spent most of Friday working very hard as the first of the large Easter visitor numbers hit Wells! Was good fun and everyone was on their knees at the end of it!

In the evening ten of us joined one of my best friend's farewell dinner. Emma Dance is taking part in the Rotary Exchange programme to Kyoto in Japan. The trip is fully funded by Rotary.

The visit is over four weeks long and will truly be a life changing experience. Good luck Emma on your wonderful journey.

Sadly we couldn't find a local sushi bar, so the Chinese in Wells had to do!!

For more information on the visit, click here. A permanent link will be on my Wells Blogroll.

Saturday, 24 March 2007

Mayors Diary for 22nd March 2007 - as published in the Wells Journal

This week I received some very shocking and upsetting news. Ann Wain, who was an excellent member of staff and a good supporter of my Mayoralty, died this week.

Ann had a wonderful range of talents and skills which not only benefited my business, but also meant I was able to attend many of the day time functions to which I was invited. Ann said to me before becoming Mayor that she would help out at work when ever necessary. This often meant staying for long hours working under pressure with me out of the business. She did it all without complaint.

I could then concentrate on doing my duty without worrying about work. Believe me, when you’re doing the job as Mayor, you need as little worry as possible.

I’ll miss Ann for her humour, conversation, honesty, dedication and support. I know that is reflected amongst my other members of staff in Pickwicks.

Over the past week I’ve attended 4 events, functions and meetings as your Mayor.

On Tuesday, I received the ‘Loving Cup of England’ into the City. The cup is being passed around to over 50 cities across England. The idea is to promote community spirit amongst the peoples of our great cities. The cup will complete it’s journey on St. Georges Day in Westminster. More on the event can be found on my blog,

On Wednesday I had two engagements which were AGM’s. The first was the AGM for Abbeyfield, which this year celebrated it’s 50th anniversary. This is an excellent society which really does support elderly people whilst retaining their independents.

The second AGM was for Macmillan Support. At this meeting I was asked and elected to become the Wells branch Vice Chairman. Macmillan Support is one of my charities.

On Monday the Mayoress, my Chaplain and Cllr Maureen Brandon hosted a reception for the Governors and Heads of the Blue School. This was to say thankyou for the work they do.

Over the next week my diary includes Council meetings, Youth Media project, the Almshouses, opening the Wells City FC Function Room and a reception for the sports clubs of Wells.

Thursday, 22 March 2007

007 - Licence to watch again.... he is the same build as me (honest)

It was Market Day today in Wells. So loads of people buzzing around the City.

Spent some time today sorting out Mayoral events with my Diary Secretary, over the phone. However, got it all sorted.

Had a slight problem towards the end of the day, as a handle for a tap fell off, so had great difficulty stopping the tap before we had a flood! Anyway, managed to do that!!!

After work, and a quick pint in The City Arms, finally got to Tesco. I brought the necessaries including washing powder! Also brought some pizza for Julie (the Mayoress), Martin (her husband) and myself. Took a little while going around the store as I met some people who hadn't heard the dramatic news about Anne Wain.

When I got home, went over to Julie & Martin's, where we enjoyed the pizza's and a good chat about everything.

Also had the opportunity to watch 'James Bond: Casino Royale'. I first saw it in Wells Cinema, now watching the DVD. Nothing can quite beat watching a Bond movie in a cinema...but still a very good film!

After all that, went home and chatted with my very tired Mum..... then went to bed (after updating my blog that is)!!

Wednesday, 21 March 2007

Forgot Tesco AGAIN..... but remembered the interview!

Was very busy from the moment we opened today!

Our main opposition closed for most of the day due to a water leak! I do feel sorry for them, as we had that once and it ain't nice! Anyway, their customers experienced our coffee...had a few converts!!!

Spent most of the afternoon updating my diary and arranging the Civic Service in April. Should be a very good service, representing the whole city.

Forgot to go to Tesco today, as I need to get some bits....must do that tomorrow! I always seem to remember to go when I'm at which time it's too late.

At 1830hrs, I was interviewed by the Wells Media Project. This is an initiative that I helped with the concept of. It's main aim is to involve young people who are enjoy 'media'. They are then offered the opportunity to report on real stories from a young person's view point.

Already, the scheme has been backed by local business' and Mendip District Council. My interview was based upon my thoughts on young people in Wells. The interview will be typed up and distributed as any other story would be. Also, extracts will be broadcast on the Strood Collage radio station!!

If you have a story that you'll like the project to cover, please eMail: A permanent link is on my 'Wells Blogroll'.

I'm just soooooo celeb these days............

Tuesday, 20 March 2007

Blue School reception

This evening the Mayoress, my Chaplain and Cllr. Maureen Brandon hosted a reception for the Blue School Governors and Heads. This was the last in the trio for the schools.

Again, it was to say thank you for all of the work they do for the community.

I would of normally hosted the reception, however after the day's news - I didn't think it appropriate.

Ann Wain

Today was one of the most horrendous day's of my Mayoral year.

After arriving back from Hedge End late this morning, Julie (who works for me) told me that Ann Wain had died.

Ann was a truly exceptional member of staff. She was very dedicated, loyal, trustworthy and humorous. Her death was completely unexpected.

Ann promised me at the beginning of my year, that she would support me throughout. This sometimes meant managing Pickwicks, working extra hours or taking on some responsibility. She kept to her word.

Without Ann doing this, I could never have done so many of the engagements I was invited to. Ann was a good supporter of mine and backed me 100%.

So I owe Ann an awful lot, but will miss her personally.

I know all of the staff at Pickwicks will miss her; as well as the many customers who knew Ann and the high quality work she produced.

Mother's Day

On Sunday morning, I drove back to Hedge End to spend some time with my Mum!

This was a great day which I also got to see my 11 month old Nephew, Stanley. He has changed so much. He is starting to 'talk' and enjoys crawling all over the place.

Was also good to catch up with my brothers, Andrew and Matthew - also with my sister-in-law Janine.

We spent most of the afternoon walking around a local park, before heading over to Andrew & Janine's for dinner.

Was going to update my blog at my Mum's, but had problem's signing on......

Monday, 19 March 2007

Great gig.... Peelers are too watch!

Friday was a very busy day. Didn't help that one of the checkouts went a bit wobbly (again).

Anyway survived the experience!!!

In the evening, my friend Emma and I went to Glastonbury to watch a gig performed by a local band called the Peelers!

They were great! One of the band members, Ken, works with Emma. It was great to see a band playing live and so many people listening and enjoying the music.

The gig was at the Backpackers of Glastonbury (or The Crown pub) which ever you like to call it.

To read more about the band, please click here. I have placed a permanent link in my 'Wells websites' listings.

A service to celebrate......

On Thursday we had a moderate day in Pickwicks.... I'm desperately trying to think as I'm typing this four days after the date!! Again, it's down to a busy social and Mayoral diary!!

In the evening I had a meeting with Rev. Peter Farrell who is the vicar of the Civic Church, St. Cuthbert's.

We had a very interesting meeting regarding a service to celebrate Wells and the organisations that help the city run. Peter has so many good ideas!

The service will be held at St. Cuthbert's Church on 22nd April 2007 at 1500hrs. Please come along if you can.

Mayor's Diary for 15th March 2007 - as published in the Wells Journal

The count down has begun. I have now only 10 weeks (and 2 days) left of my Mayoralty. So if I don’t do it all now….it ain’t going to happen. I have a very packed diary, but if you have any other ideas; please let me know.

Over the past week I’ve attended 6 events, functions and meetings as your Mayor.

On Tuesday I attended the Twinning Association AGM. As Mayor I’m the President. My role was to open the meeting and conduct the election of Officers. Well done to Bob Reynolds and his team for representing the City in our twinned towns. The meeting discussed less formal ‘friendship agreements’ with other towns in Poland and Germany.

I had a nice surprise on Thursday, as my brother Andrew popped in on his way to a business meeting. I have two younger brothers and Andrew is the one in the middle. Sadly, didn’t have too much time to talk as I was very busy at work.

On Friday I was invited to give out awards to pupils from Stoberry Park School for their efforts in improving handwriting. For those who had the best improvement, I gave them a very nice pen. Many others who met their targets won certificates.

Well done to all the pupils and teachers for focusing upon an important area. Some of the handwriting I encounter (including my own) needs considerable improvement.

Later that evening, the Mayoress and I attended a party for my Chaplain in the Mayor’s Parlour. I’m so proud to have Lavinia Byrne as my Chaplain, she does an excellent job. More on the party can be found on my blog,

Saturday evening I hosted a party for Stephanie Webb to celebrate her birthday.

Monday evening the Mayoress and I hosted a reception for the Heads and Governors of Wells Cathedral School. This was the second in the trio of receptions for Governors to say thank you for all of the hard work they do.

Over the next week my diary includes Council meetings, the Grand Tour of the Loving Cup, Abbeyfield AGM, Macmillan Support AGM and a reception for The Blue School Heads and Governors.

Wednesday, 14 March 2007

Two AGM's and some washing up!!

Had a good day in Pickwicks today....even had the Mayor doing the washing up!!! How many Mayor's do you know have dishpan hands???

I had two AGM's to attend this evening.

First off at 1830hrs, I attended a AGM for the Abbeyfield Society (Wells). This is a marvellous society, as it has a series of homes across the UK where elderly (often lonley) people can rent a room and lead very independent lives.

The homes (two in Wells) have a mixture of residents - none of which have been means tested (which I think is a welcome change). They all lead their own lives but happen to live in the same large house. As Mayor, I'm President of the Wells Society. It is an enormous privilege to represent this organisation, especially as it celebrated the UK 50th anniversary.

After that AGM, I attended the Macmillan Support Wells Branch AGM. It was held in The Swan Hotel.

Macmillan Support is one of my charities for the year. It is great to have such an active branch in Wells. Quite shockingly, there isn't another branch for about 30 miles! So Wells is quite high profile in central Somerset.

Macmillan supported my Mum and Dad when my Dad was dying of cancer. To help repay the debt, I agreed to become Vice Chairman for the Wells Branch. To find out more about Macmillan, please click here else see my 'useful websites' for a link.

After those meetings I met up with mates and went for a drink.....

Tuesday, 13 March 2007

Mayor's Diary for 8th March 2007 - as published in the Wells Journal

This week at work a member of my staff Nathan Truckle, celebrated his 18th birthday. It took me back 16½ years to when I celebrated it. I had a family & friends BBQ. I hope you join with me in wishing Nathan a Happy Birthday.

Over the past week I’ve attended 7 events, functions and meetings as your Mayor.

On Wednesday I attended the relaunch of Alex Scott Hairdressing. The salon had been refitted and updated. Proceeds from the raffle they held went to Comic Relief. For note, in the raffle I won some makeup bags (including samples) – which I gave straight to the Mayoress.

On Saturday my Chaplain and I attended a concert in the Town Hall in aid of Macmillan Support. The concert was performed by the Glastonbury Male Voice Choir. It was an excellent concert, filled with various songs – including a song called ‘Judith the Librarian (who is a strict vegetarian)’. More on the concert can be found in my blog

On Sunday morning my Chaplain and I attended a Civic Service held by the Elim Church in the Town Hall. The service was to celebrate those people who work on the front line of our public services. Those who do jobs many of us would hate to do – like social workers, care workers, police officers and waste collectors. We can’t run our economy or any other part of our lives without these very important roles being filled.

In the afternoon, we attended the Wells Amateur Boxing event in Kudos. There was a mix of skills and talent on show. All of the bouts were very well refereed and you can see the real skills needed to box in a ring. Having a good punch is only part of the skill….also need to be thinking two moves ahead.

On Monday, The Mayoress, my Chaplain and I hosted a reception in the Town Hall for the Governors and Head Teachers of all of the Primary Schools in and around the city. It was just one way of saying thankyou to all those who put so much into children’s education for no pay, but a lot of commitment.

Over the next week my diary includes Council meetings, the Twinning Association AGM, Radio Link meeting, Handwriting Awards at Stoberry School, ATC Table Top sale and a reception for Wells Cathedral School Governors and Heads.

Loving Cup passes through another great City!

Finally got to today's blog entry....after updating the weekend!

Am usually off for Tuesday afternoon, so that I can update my diary. Sadly with two people off, not able to do!

Had an average day trading wise in Pickwicks. Although it did get very busy this morning.

Mid afternoon, I had a rather unusual engagement in the Mayor's Parlour. It was the tour of the 'Loving Cup of England'.

The 'Loving Cup' is being brought around to virtually every City in England. The idea is to foster links and community bonds across England.

The cup itself, is fairly new. It is shaped like a football trophy and is very very heavy. Mr Bruno Peeks OBE started off proceedings by presenting me with the cup.

I then accepted it on behalf of the City. I was then presented with a flag for the City to fly on St. Georges Day. After a brief speech, I then took a sip out of the cup and passed it around the room.

All had a great time and it was nice to be part of something different. The 'Loving Cup' will finish it's journey on St. Georges Day at a Gala Dinner, hosted by the Lord Mayor of Westminster.

After all that - back to work......

Nathan is going......

Two down again on Monday, so under pressure AGAIN in Pickwicks.

Some sad news as Nathan Truckle, one of my longest serving member of staff had tendered his notice!! He wants to work on a building site, building walls or something! It's always annoying when an excellent member of staff leaves, especially someone with so much skill and character. Never mind - I suspect he'll miss us (and me) when he is out in the freezing rain, snow, wind and sweltering heat.

Anyway, we got through a very busy day. Many thanks to Julie who put together a smashing buffet for the evening reception!

The reception was the second in a trio of receptions to celebrate the work of Governors especially (and Heads as well). This time it was the turn of Wells Cathedral school.

Governors, whether in state or public schools, all work very hard for no pay.

Without these people, all of the, sometimes, mundane work would have to be done by front line teachers and heads.

The Mayoress and my Chaplain attended, as well as many from the Cathedral School. The School can boast many ex-pupils doing jobs with film directors and many top orchestras around the world. The great thing is, they all say they were schooled in Wells (Somerset, UK).

Great bit of PR....and all free!

Typed my diary for the Wells Journal...then off to bed.....

Really enjoyed meeting Vicky

Had a bit of a rest on Sunday.

After getting up - which took rather a long time - I headed back down to the Mayor's Parlour to clean up after Lavinia's and Steph's parties.

There wasn't that much to do - a little washing up and setting things straight. Managed to get the right bowls back to the right people.... I think!

In the evening, I went to Bristol for dinner with Chris a mate of mine. I got to meet his friend Vicky and had a wonderful meal for which I didn't have to do!!

Vicky has had a varied life which included working in the Bahamas for a diving school. Vicky is defiantly full of life and doesn't really want to stand still......

Work - Pizza - Bed...... in that order!

Saturday was soooo busy I wasn't able to attend the opening of the Table Top Sale for the ATC in the Town Hall.

Pickwicks had a slow start, but ended up flying at full throttle towards the end.

Later that evening, I hosted a party in the Mayor's Parlour for Stephine Webb, about 8 attended). This time, I didn't need to dress formally.

We brought some pizza from ASK next door and enjoyed wine and cava all evening. It was a great opportunity to just chill out!!

Steph appeared to enjoy herself as did the rest of the group.....

Then it was off to bed as I was rather tired!!!!

Handwriting is always going to be tops......

I know the 'late again' excuse is becoming rather regular....but it's true - everything is a bit full on at the mo!! So I'm truly sorry for the delay in updating my blog.....

On Friday, we had a full compliment of staff in at Pickwicks. This was after a week were two key members had the dreaded lurgi which is floating around!

Mid morning, I attended Stoberry Park School in Wells. This was to give out prizes for their latest focus upon handwriting.

I thought this was an excellent idea, as handwriting among adults (including moi), is sometimes rather awful. Although the pupils may not either care or know it yet.... but good handwriting will benefit them greatly in the big horrible real world!

I gave pens out to pupils who exceeded their targets for handwriting and certificates to those who did very well at handwriting. The others met or were slightly under their target.

Speaking of targets, I never had any at primary school! I don't think I even knew what a target was (except for something you aim a bow & arrow at)!

Anyway, after the assembly, which included Parents, we all sang a very jolly song called 'Everybody's Building'. It really did sum up what the school is doing and hopes to do.

Later that evening, The Mayoress and I hosted a party for my chaplain, Dr Lavinia Byrne. I was so proud to help not only a dear friend, but a wise advisor and strong supporter. About 30 people attended. The invite list included Lavinia's family from France.

As the party was a very important date, I dressed in my Morning Suit and had the Maces on display. For the French, I even put on my red robes...any excuse!

Friday, 9 March 2007

Radio Link meet.... ooohhh!

A very long day today in Pickwicks.......really need to have a break.

Anyway, the day went very well!

This evening, there was a Radio Link meeting in Pickwicks. The meeting was hosted by the Police in order to train other radio users.

Wells Radio Link is a fantastic award winning project, where business' can hire a radio (CB) to contact each other in case of assault or shoplifting etc.

The great advantage to the scheme is that the Police back it 100%, so they even carry around a radio.

The evening went well and we all enjoyed a buffet afterwards, kindly made by Ann!

After all that, a group of us went to Cafe Romna for a good curry!!!

Got in at about 2300hrs!

Tuesday, 6 March 2007

Twinned with usual

A very busy day today!! I still have two people off and we were run over this morning!!

This morning there was only Katchina, Lois and myself in! We were full to the brim by 1030hrs which meant an awful lot of drinks, croissants and crumpets! In fact we were so busy, I couldn't get to the phone for help! It didn't help of course that our phone still isn't working (after I dropped it in my cup of tea on Friday). It still rings, but we cant answer it.

So the phone kept ringing, I had about 15 missed calls and several messages on my mobile. It was manic but great fun. It is very pleasing to see that Pickwicks has become the choice of many people in the city.

It all calmed down a bit, when our new phoned and extra staff arrived.

Nathan has a serious cold which I think is linked to him being out until 0830hrs Sunday morning on his 18th brithday bash.

At 1800hrs, I attended a planning meeting for the YMCA Party in the Mayor's Parlour. It is going to be an excellent evening. All those involved have put in so much effort. Can't wait....

There was meant to be a LATs meeting in the Indictment Room (Town Hall). However, that started at 1830hrs so was unable to attend.

After the YMCA meeting, I attended the Wells Twinning Association AGM in the Little Theatre. This organisation manages the twinning between the city and Bad Durkheim (Germany) and Parry Le Monial (France). As Mayor, I am it's President for the year.

So it is my job to chair the AGM until the Chairman is either elected or re-elected. It was no surprise that Bob Reynolds was once again elected as Chairman. He has put so much time and effort into it all. Well done to Bob and his team.

I did promise the AGM that I would place a link on my blog. So, if you want to find out more information on the Wells Twinning Association, please click here. I have place a permanent link into my 'Wells Blogroll'.

Celebration of Primary School Governors

Had a very busy day in terms of workload in Pickwicks. We were a couple of staff down today - so we had to work a bit harder to compensate.

This evening The Mayoress, my Chaplain and I hosted a reception in the Parkes Room of the Town Hall for all of the Primary School Governors and Head Teachers. All of the primary schools in and around the city were invited.

We had at least one representative from each school. According to many that attended, it was the first time that all Governors were invited together! This was shocking, as most said they benefited from speaking to other Governors in similar schools. Yet another first for the current Mayor!!!!!

I wanted to invite all of these people for a couple of reasons. First, all of the schools (in or out of the city) always invite the incumbent Mayor to any official function. Secondly, all of the Governors give their time and commitment voluntarily.

If it wasn't for these people doing so much for the schools, the burden would vastly increase on the Heads and Teachers. The admin load on these skilled people is already great, so anything to remove a little stress is welcome.

The wider community, I think, really does appreciate the work Governors do. I didn't realise that the term of a Governor is only four years - then its time for re-election.

I hope they all enjoyed the reception. Special thanks has to go to Gill, Stan, Rosemary, Len and Maureen for their help this evening.....

Sunday, 4 March 2007

How ingenious...another award winning company in Wells!!! Cool...

Have just heard about a fantastic young company based in Wells, which won an award last year.

The company is called 'The Ingenious Marketing Office' and it specialises in marketing services to schools.

The company was selected as award winner of the ‘most successful startup’ category by the Federation of Small Businesses.

Well done to all involved. To find out more about The Ingenious Marketing Office, click here. I have added a permanent link to my 'Wells Blogroll'.

I'm not about to throw in the towel....

A rest on Sunday??? Not a chance!

Up at 0830hrs to let the Elim Church in to the Town Hall, to set up for their Civic Service. The service, which started at 1030hrs, was dedicated to all of those people who work hard in the community in 'front line' jobs (care workers, policemen, social workers etc).

The service was lead by Pastor Stephen Fowler, who was one of Wells' youngest Mayors (age of 28 in late 80's).

During the service, I was interviewed on why I became Mayor etc. I thought it was going to be a 'Paxman' style mauling.....but he let me off as it was a Sunday!!!

All had a great time. The children went down stairs during the service to produce a collage on the theme. At the end they produced a 4m long collage on Wells and it's services! It was wonderful, I appeared on it twice (once as a stick man). I'm not too sure where the Wells Airport is, but everything else reflected life in Wells. I intend on hanging the collage during the next (and last) City Council meeting in April.

To see what the Elim Church does, please click here. I have placed a permanent link on the 'Wells Blogroll'.

After lunch and updating my blog from the last couple of days, I had a complete change of tack!

My Chaplain and I attended the Wells Amateur Boxing Match, held in Kudos. We were very lucky to also be joined by our MP, David Heathcoat-Amory.

There were 15 matches planned, but sadly one of the clubs didn't show. However, those who were there more than made up! Some of the matches were some young teenagers. They showed a lot of skill and determination.

When the older ones came on, it was a different matter! Still a lot of skill and determination - added with real power behind the punches. Some of the matches were superb.

I was very impressed with the way it was refereed and the rules were very stringent. Kudos was packed with people from around the City and beyond. It looks like they may have stumbled across a popular piece of local entertainment - for regular matches. We'll have to wait and see.

I was lucky to have David Heathcoat-Amory MP near to me, explaining the rules and tactics. Mr Heathcoat-Amory has always supported boxing; indeed used to play it.

Anyway, back at home now....calming down!

They are very particular in WsM

An update on a previous blog entry.....

On Thursday I was talking about skittles and my former boss being involved! However, I now have the link and some corrections!

First of the link for the skittles results, click here. This is the Weston super Mare league skittles website. A permanent link can be found on my 'useful websites' section.

Secondly, I've been told that Tony is STILL the Captain of his team (and not a past Captain).

Third, the 's' in 'super (Weston super Mare) is lower case and not upper case as I had it!!

oooohhh get you....... You would of thought that being mentioned in my blog would have been enough?????

Judith the Librarian....was a strict vegetarian! Luckily she missed out on the bacon sandwiches

We were short staffed and very busy in Pickwicks on Saturday. Although everyone rallied around and we were able to operate very effectively as a team! Well done to all!

During the morning I attended a Conservative Group Meeting in Shepton Mallet. The meeting to discuss the forth coming Mendip elections. The meeting also included new candidates as well as existing ones.

It was a good meeting where we discussed our record, strategy, the likely attack from the main opposition and general points on campaigning. Everyone was very motivated and had loads of ideas. The meeting started off with some bacon sandwiches - which went down very well.

I then returned to a very busy mentioned above! Had my lunch at about 1630hrs this time - almost in time for closing.

In the evening I attended, as Mayor, a concert for one of my Mayoral charities; Macmillan Support. The concert was performed by the Glastonbury Male Voice Choir. It was an excellent evening. I've never heard a live Male Choir before - a true eduction. The songs were all perfect for the evening and venue.

The acoustics in the Town Hall were designed for groups such as the Glastonbury Male Choir. Sadly, with more modern music, bands or discos - the acoustics aren't as clever. During the evening we had some light hearted and quiet amusing solo numbers. The one I liked the best was called 'Judith the Librarian' (who was a strict vegetarian). Very funny indeed.

The one thing I really love about any concert is watching the conductor. I think to conduct any sort of band or choir takes great skill. It's all of the movements and instructions they give has to be directly in time with the music....else there could be confusion. I haven't got the attention span for such a least I'm honest!!

More can be found about the Glastonbury Male Choir, by clicking here. I have placed a permanent link on my 'Useful Website' section.

My cordless wasn't water will still ring!

On Friday we were completely run over in Pickwicks. Usually the week after half term is relatively quiet - but today we were inundated. This meant me having my lunch at about 1600hrs! I'm getting used to it now.

During the day, I dropped the cordless phone into my cup of tea (liquorice tea... feel relaxed afterwards)!! This is the second time I've done that (although the first time I dropped it into my cappuccino). Anyway, the phone rings but we can't answer it!! Ho hum.....

In the evening, we went a group of friends to The Three Horseshoes at Batcombe. We had a wonderful meal, even though we all arrived there late. For those who don't know, Batcombe is a lovely village in the most rural part of Mendip. So it took a little time and the help of the Mayoress' sat nav to get us to the Inn.

Had an interesting discussion with a mate of mine called Andy. He is very much into conspiracy theories. This lead to a lengthy debate of recent events and their origins! He told me to watch some DVDs which will give me another side of the story!!

Well, I can't wait for that!!

Thursday, 1 March 2007

Is the world of skittles prepared....????

Spent most of my time today creating a news letter for Pickwicks. I got the idea from a friend of mine who owns a restaurant in the city. Basically, it sets out what we are about, any new products and that sort of thing.

It's easy to create as it is done on Word. Just need to amend a few points and then print.

I had to also sort out a resident's query reference a path to her house. Sadly, it looks like being a bigger project than I first expected.

At 1915hrs, I attended the finance meeting of the City Council. I arrived slightly late, due to me concentrating on the newsletter. The committee were half way through discussing proposals to take control of Wells Recreation Park. A very interesting project indeed!!

After the meeting I met with Chris, Alan and their various friends in The Crown for a drink. Was great to catch up with them. Chris invited me to go along to one of their skittle matches. Seems like good fun.

Skittles is very big around Wells and indeed Somerset. Whole leagues and web sites are devoted to them. My former boss Tony was a Captain of a team in Western Super Mare. He created a database of the scores and every other stat you could think of for his league. He then published it on the web..... I can't remember the link name right now - but watch this space for the web address....

One bit of embarrassment - Nathan had a mention in the Wells Journal as he is 18 on Saturday. His Mum and two brothers posted a picture of a very cute and innocent Nathan when he was about five, into the Birthdays section of the paper!! Oh how he has changed........

Mayor's Diary for 28th February 2007 - as published in the Wells Journal

We can all tell that spring is on it’s way – as the start and end of the day are getting much lighter. It’s now so much easier for me to get up in the mornings. Since I don’t do mornings, that is a great help.

Over the past week I’ve attended 6 events, functions and meetings as your Mayor.

On Friday, the Wells City Band kindly hosted a concert for my charities. The concert theme was a suggestion of mine….music from the films and stage. It was a great evening which included Cllr Colin Price and me dressing up like the Blue Brothers and joining in with the band. I must say that the hat and glasses really suited Cllr. Price. They didn’t go that well with the chain though.

Saturday evening I attended the Rotary President’s Dinner in the Town Hall. A former Mayor, Desmond Gripper is currently President. It was a brilliant night which saw the club celebrate 60 years since its charter was granted. A bit of history was made as the President announced that I was the first Mayor in the club’s history to be invited on two consecutive President’s Dinners. Anyway, it is a real asset for the City to have such a vibrant club.

On Sunday my Mum visited me. I haven’t been able to see my Mum since the beginning of December, due to engagements. However, we had a fantastic day which included a lovely lunch in Andre’s.

Monday saw my Chaplain and I attending the Memorial Service of Mr David Tubway-Quilter. It was a wonderful service, which saw the Cathedral fill to maximum capacity. The service was reflective and quite moving. Although I’d only met Mr Tubway-Quilter a few times, I suspect he would have enjoyed seeing so many people he either lived with, worked with or was friends with.
Over the next week my diary includes Council meetings, the relaunch of Alex Scott Hairdressing, Women’s Day of Prayer, Glastonbury Male Voice Choir (for one of my charities (Macmillan Support), Elim Service for the front line workers (Town Hall),a Boxing Match, a tour of the Town Hall and a reception for the Primary School Heads and Governors.