Thursday, 1 February 2007

Mayor's Diary for 1st February 2007 - as published in the Wells Journal

By the time you’ve read this, the closing date for Self Assessment Tax Returns would have passed (31st January). It’s one of those sorts of things that sounds quite daunting, but when one completes it – isn’t that bad.

Over the past week I’ve attended 7 events, functions and meetings as your Mayor.

On Thursday I chaired the full City Council meeting, where we decided the precept for the year. The ‘precept’ is another way of saying the amount of tax the City Council will charge as part of your overall Council Tax bill.

After the meeting, which was a record breaking 15 minutes long, Centros Millar held a consultation meeting for Councillors and public. Centro Millar is the development company for the proposed ‘Princes Road’ site. To participate in the consultation, please follow the link from my blog

On Sunday I attended a service in St. Cuthbert’s Church to highlight homelessness. The service was hosted by Mendip YMCA. Everyone who was taking part in the service had to start the service in a sleeping bag. This included myself.

Had a bit of a shock when lying down waiting my turn, as my Mayoral chain fell backwards and almost strangled me. So this left me to desperately struggle with the thing until I could breathe. All without the congregation noticing.

I did learn that mayoral bling is not intended to be worn when in the horizontal position.

However, the service was a reminder of the issues faced by homeless young people. What impressed me most was the honesty of those who have had experience of homelessness, either directly or as a parent who’s son or daughter had left to live on the streets.

Monday saw the opening of Wells Central School’s new wing. This was a wonderful event. The whole school joined in the celebrations. It was great to see all of the pupils looking forward to their new classrooms and equipment. Well done to the teaching staff, governors and parents for seeing this project through to completion.

Over the next week my diary includes Council meetings, a reception for the Wells Sector Special Constabulary and St. Cuthbert’s Race Night (any tips for a good horse?).

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