Monday, 12 February 2007

Mayor's Diary for 8th Feb - as published in the Wells Journal

This week has been a quiet week. This is just as well, as the media keep screaming that it is the most depressing time of year. Well your Mayor doesn’t feel depressed just a bit anxious that there is only 14 weeks left with so much to cram in.

Over the past week I’ve attended 3 events, functions and meetings as your Mayor.

On Thursday I hosted a reception for the Special Constabulary in the Mayor’s Parlour. The ‘Specials’ as they like to be known are volunteer Police. They have the same uniform as the full time officers and powers. The biggest difference is that they are not paid for their duties. It’s all time given by these individuals for the benefit of the community. So, I wanted to say thankyou on behalf of the City for all of the work that they do.

Saturday saw the Race Night, held in aid of the St. Cuthbert’s Church Appeal. The appeal aims to raise about £500k to extend the range of services to the community by the Church.

It was the first time I’ve been along to such an event – sadly I didn’t make my millions – in fact didn’t make any money at all. As a group (we had a syndicate on my table) did ok (ish) on the ‘TOTE’ by winning £15 across the evening. Anyway, all had a great time and St. Cuthbert’s raised over £3000.

Over the next week my diary includes Council meetings, a reception for the licensees of Wells, a reception for Wells City Training Band, a Chamber of Commerce meeting and the Civic Dinner.

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