Thursday, 1 February 2007

Special night for the 'Special Constabulary'.....

Had two waffle makers arrive in Pickwicks today. Hopefully this will mean something a bit different on the menu. Will sort the machines out over the weekend. So watch this space....

This evening I hosted a reception in the Mayor's Parlour for the Wells Sector Special Constabulary. The Special Constabulary are volunteer members of the Police force. As volunteers they have to put in at least 16 hours service each month - but have the same powers and uniform as a full time Policeman - all of this unpaid!!!

The reception had two purposes - first was to say thank you for the time they put in. Second purpose was to bring together the 'Specials' for an informal chat and update on policing issues.

The whole evening was a success - with 12 'Specials' attending. If you want to find out more about the 'Specials' and the work they do, click here.

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