Tuesday, 20 February 2007

Richard & Judy.....sausage and chips

Monday was a particularly difficult morning.....!!!! After the week and weekend I had I was ready for a break.

Got quite excited though; I have been told by quite a few people, that Wells and it's Mayor was mentioned on 'Richard & Judy' by the stars of Hot Fuzz! Quite why so many were watching that and not working is beyond me - however, I think it is something to boast about.

Had some interesting news at about 0930hrs. My mate Chris who was staying with me for the weekend was locked in my house!! When I left, I locked the door - as he was still asleep. Forgot that he was in there! A quick dash home sorted that one out.

Anyway, first day of the half term was absolutely busy! Pickwicks was full well before lunch and it continued right into the afternoon.

In the evening, I dashed over to Mendip District Council to attend the Scrutiny Board (started at 1830hrs) - for which I'm a member. I only managed to hear the first item (about the budget) as I had to be back in Wells for a meeting (which lasted until 2130hrs). After that was finished, I had to drive to the other side of Wells for a jumbo sausage and chips - as I was really hungry!

Then it was back home to do my staff wages, look at my eMails and write my Mayor's Diary for the Wells Journal...finally got to bed at about 0100hrs!!!!

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