Wednesday, 28 February 2007

The make up will go to the Mayoress......honest!!

Today was an odd day - it all felt like a load of nothing but a bit of that clear??

Started in Pickwicks with a moderate Wednesday - being Market Day it can be very busy. The town was relatively quiet.

Lois (who works for me) started collecting table numbers by serving as many tables as possible....when she had collected 23 numbers (how on earth that number was arrived at....who knows), she put them all back on the checkout! Lois has some very rare qualities!!!

Later in the afternoon I brought my Brother’s birthday card and posted it! The postal service around the Hedge End area is appalling; it often takes at least two days to deliver a first class letter.....

At about 1630hrs, I got ready for the first of my engagements. It was to attend the relaunch of the Alex Scott hair dressers. It was a nice event which had a raffle for Comic Relief. I forgot to bring along cash, so the owner kindly brought me a ticket. I had a shock when my number was pulled out last only to find that - I had won three make up bags with make up in them!!! I promptly promised to give them all to the Mayoress.....!!!

After that event, I went along to St. Thomas' Hall for the Public Meeting regarding a potential crossing in Bath Road, Wells. The meeting was chaired by John North, but had John Osman (WCC, MDC, SCC Councillor) and myself (WCC, MDC Councillor) as speakers. It was an interesting meeting which included the various options regarding a crossing.

Somerset County Council had turned down three options for technical reasons. We felt this was a shame. John Osman put together a really good presentation which focused upon the issues.

The public who attended seemed to be very interested in what has happened and what may happen! There was a really constructive and informed debate from all sides on this matter.

Hopefully John North, John Osman and moi can go away and put together an action plan of sorts.

After the meeting John O (too many John's), his sister and myself went for a curry in Cafe Romna.

An excellent way to finish an evening....also my second curry of the week.

Updating my blog and then off to bed.....night.

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