Tuesday, 24 April 2007

All she wanted to do was to give out the money.....I just stood there!

Today I spent the morning in Pickwicks. This afternoon I took a half day!!

Int he afternoon, I updated my diary in the Town Hall. This was good as there is much still to do over the next couple of weeks. Only have until 19th May to do my thing!!

At 1900hrs I attended the Wells Carnival cheque presentation evening. this was the money that was raise at our night time carnival (held every year). the Chairman of Wells Carnival gave out cheque to the value of £6500.

Many organisation benefited from the cheques. It was great to see so many organisations that I have visited over the year there!!

The cheques were meant to be given out between the Carnival Queen and myself. However, the Carnival Queen quite enjoyed giving out money - so she issued all the money! I just stood there and smiled.

After that, three of us went for a curry........

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