Tuesday, 24 April 2007

All she wanted to do was to give out the money.....I just stood there!

Today I spent the morning in Pickwicks. This afternoon I took a half day!!

Int he afternoon, I updated my diary in the Town Hall. This was good as there is much still to do over the next couple of weeks. Only have until 19th May to do my thing!!

At 1900hrs I attended the Wells Carnival cheque presentation evening. this was the money that was raise at our night time carnival (held every year). the Chairman of Wells Carnival gave out cheque to the value of £6500.

Many organisation benefited from the cheques. It was great to see so many organisations that I have visited over the year there!!

The cheques were meant to be given out between the Carnival Queen and myself. However, the Carnival Queen quite enjoyed giving out money - so she issued all the money! I just stood there and smiled.

After that, three of us went for a curry........

The whole weekend.......

On friday my Chaplain and I attended the West Mendip Opportunity Group auction. It was a great evening.

I brought a table top football game and a massage! Sadly when I got the ticket for the massage, I found out it was for ladies only!!! tut....was looking forward to that!

Anyway, had a great evening - which raised about £1500!! Embarrassing part of the evening was me forgetting the organiser's name...(which is Denise by the way).

Saturday the Mayoress and I attended the Wells Lion's Charter night. This was a brilliant evening. We had loads to eat and really did enjoy ourselves. The raffle went on a little too long - but we raised loads of money for the charities.

On Sunday St. Cuthbert's Church held the Thanksgiving to Wells service. The service was my idea to celebrate were Wells is at the moment. We have a lot in the City regarding our past - but not enough to do with the future and now!

After the service the Vicar invited some of us back to the Vicarage for afternoon drinks. What a wonderful way to end a hot day!

On Monday I lead a civic party to watch the first night of HMS Pinafore at the Little Theatre in Wells. As Mayor, I am President of the association. As part of the role, the President is allowed to invite 14 other people to watch the spring performance. Anyway, we all enjoyed the play and wondered at the amount of time and effort put into the whole performance.

Mayor's Diary for 19th April 2007 - as published in the Wells Journal

By the time you have read this my nephew will have had his first birthday. Can’t believe it was a year ago that we as a family first saw him. Although I’m not able to be there for his birthday, I hope to see him quite soon. Every time I see him, he has changed so much.

Over the past week I’ve attended 4 events, functions and meetings as your Mayor.

Most of my engagements this week were taken up with meetings.

However the highlight for this week was to visit the Wells Stroke Club at the EMI Club on Monday.

As a special treat to club members, one of the UK’s top Harpist’s, John Doulton, played a mini concert. It was a wonderful way to spend late morning. I felt so relaxed after listening to the music – I didn’t feel like returning to work afterwards.

In the evening I hosted a reception in the Mayor’s Parlour for some local residents who supported me during my Mayoral year and during my years as a Councillor.

More on my week can be found on my blog, www.mow633.blogspot.com.

Over the next week my diary includes Council meetings, a visit by Wookey Primary School to the Mayor’s Parlour, a reception for Tele PA, a visit by my Mum (better tidy my house first), Opportunity Playgroup Charity Auction, Lion’s Charter Night, A Celebration of Wells in St. Cuthbert’s Church, Civic Night at the Little Theatre to watch ‘HMS Pinafore’.

Tuesday, 17 April 2007

I'm not a hippy now......

Today was a busy day in Pickwicks and for me as Mayor.

At 1100hrs I hosted a visit by the Wookey Primary School. The children had just visited the Cathedral.

When they arrived we had a photo for the local paper. Then it was up to the Mayor's Parlour.

First to make a presentation was the City Archivist. He showed all the children our Royal charters. We had to do this first as they were all about to be fed drinks and cakes. The 800 year old documents don't really 'do' chocolate cake.

After the documents were safely stored away, my Mace Bearer and I guided the children through the role as Mayor, our maces and other parts of civic items.

After all that, we went to the Parkes Room and then to the Crown Courts and the cells.

They all appeared to enjoy the visit.

After all that, I spent some time updating my diary with my Diary Secretary. My diary is increasingly getting mega busy. I might as well just take loads of time off between now and 19th May.

After that I went to Leon's to have my hair cut. I now don't look like a hippy and have a 'summer cut'.

Then it was off to 'High & Wild' to start looking at a holiday after I've finished being Mayor. I spoke to Mark who seems to have loads of ideas for my break! I can't wait......

In the evening I was meant to be hosting a reception for Tele PA. Tele PA are a local company that won a couple of business awards last year. To celebrate this, I offered to host a reception.

With their and my diary very busy - it has taken up til now to get sorted. Anyway, no one turned up. I'll sort it out tomorrow! No doubt my fault somewhere along the line......

A blue reception

Monday was a quiet day in Pickwicks as it was the first day after the Easter holidays.

In the evening I hosted a reception for Wells Conservative Branch. We had an excellent evening.

This is the first of a trio of events. The Labour and Liberal Democrat parties will also be attending a reception after the local elections.

Curry and BBQ - and I forgot to bet on the Grand National

Update for the weekend...

The whole weekend was wonderfully hot in Wells. This meant that a lot of people were taking advantage of the Easter holiday and BBQ's!!

On Friday night I joined four friends for dinner in The Strode Arms in Cranmore. We had a wonderful meal, which we always have when visiting there.

On Saturday, after a gentile day at work (the Grand National didn't help), went out for the evening with a friend of mine Steph. We went for a curry in Cafe Romna (a first for Steph) and then off to Kudos for the rest of the night.

As usual we had an entertaining evening seeing alsorts in the club!!

On Sunday I opened Pickwicks for our first sunday trading day. It wasn't very busy, but neither was the rest of the city. I sent my staff home in stages. The last one left at 1500hrs.

Shockingly, after 1500hrs - I had more customers during that time than in the rest of the day! All by myself. Closed at 1600hrs.

Later that evening I joined a former employee of mine Dale Atkinson at his family's BBQ. The BBQ was in aid of Dale's Gran's 80th Birthday. Although Dale doesn't work for me any more, his brother does. He still keeps in touch.

Friday, 13 April 2007

Mayor's Diary for 12th April 2007 - as published in the Wells Journal

Only five more weeks to go until the end of my year and loads more to see and do.

One of my last major events will be the 1940’s night on 11th May. The event is a fundraiser for one of my charities, the RUH CT Scanner Appeal. Tickets can be obtained from ‘Sense’ on 01749 670121.

Over the past week I’ve attended 3 events, functions and meetings as your Mayor.

Wednesday at noon was the cut off for nominations for candidates who wish to stand for election on 3rd May. All of the seats across the City for Mendip District Council are being contested. At the time of writing, those standing for the City Council are being processed. However, may I take this opportunity to wish all of the candidates the ‘very best of British’ in the elections.

On Thursday I chaired the last full City Council meeting before the elections. During the meeting we had several constructive debates about delivering services to the residents of the city.

As far as I know Cllrs. Blundell, Sapstead, Sommers and Woods are retiring from the council. May I use this opportunity to thank them for their service over the years.

I would especially like to thank on behalf of the City Cllr. Blundell for her work with Wells Museum and Cllr. Sapstead for services to Mendip District Council for Central Ward and his expertise on the Wells City Planning committee.

On Easter Sunday my Chaplain, Lavinia Byrne made a wonderful roast dinner for the Mayoress, myself and some other friends.

On Monday I opened the Garden Party at the Sherston Inn. It was a wonderful day with sunshine and loads of fun things for people of all ages to do. Well done to Matt and Sarah for organising such a superb event. More on the day can be found on my blog, http://www.mow633.blogspot.com/.

Over the next week my diary includes Council meetings, Macmillan Support meeting and a reception in the Mayor’s Parlour.

Thursday, 12 April 2007

Sorting my Tanksgiving Service

Had a very busy day in Pickwicks on Wednesday. It was market day here in sunny (and very warm Wells).

After work, I met with Rev. Peter Farrell (St. Cuthbert's Church) and Lavinia Byrne (my Chaplain). The meeting was to decide on the order of service for my 'Thanksgiving Service' on 22nd April 2007.

The service is to celebrate Wells and all those who keep it running! Both Lavinia and Peter are experts at this. Thanks to both of them for their support and ideas.

After that, I spent time on my computer updating staff contracts, listening to '18 Doughty Street' (the political internet TV station) and looking at eMails.

Then off to bed...

Wednesday, 11 April 2007

LAT and curry

Tuesday went quite fast in Pickwicks. We had a good day trading as well as getting loads of other bits done!!

Half way through the day, I was able to pop into the Town Hall to update my diary for the coming weeks ahead.

I learnt who was standing for the City Council. All four candidates for the 'Central Ward' will be elected unopposed. Those standing in St. Cuthberts Ward and St. Thomas' Ward face elections. There will be seven candidates standing in each ward.

In the evening I attended the LAT's meeting in the Mayor's Parlour. This was a very good meeting, especially since we got loads done!! The LAT's have never been a talking shop...good to see the 'work and no chat' format still works. Well Done to Simon Selby for continuing to chair it!

After the meeting, Simon and myself went for a curry!! Just what was called for.....

Monday, 9 April 2007

Sherston Inn had bouncy castles - not even the Mayor was allowed to go on!!

Went into Pickwicks for the first couple of hours. Felt a bit tired after the 'Pink Gin' introduction the night before!!

Anyway at midday I went to the Sherston Inn to open their charity Garden Party. It was a fantastic afternoon with loads going on.

Every age group was catered for, including bouncy castles and face painting. Live music was playing in the background.

It was a well organised day - and I hope the charities and the Sherston Inn benefit!

After all that, I took some sandwiches upto the area above Milton Lane. It was really peaceful up there and great just to relax and read the paper!

Pink Gin and curried cabbage....Nathan just got drunk!

I had a really nice weekend...despite working in Pickwicks. It was a good Easter weekend!

On Saturday, trade was very good and it was full on as usual.

In the evening we had Nathan Truckle's leaving party. We started off with drinks in the Mayor's Parlour. About 12 members of staff came along. I gave them a brief tour of the Town Hall too (lucky people)!!

After the Parlour we had a couple of drinks in The Crown Inn and then off to Kudos nightclub.

When we got to the club there was quite a queue to get in. However, as I'm a VIP card holder (not too sure how it worked) I walked passed the queue and straight in without paying.... cool or what?? With the card I'm allowed one guest...which was Nathan as it was his party.

Left there at about 0300hrs after an excellent evening.

On Easter Sunday (after tidying the Parlour), my Chaplain invited me and some others for supper.

Lavinia had cooked an excellent roast. She is a fantastic cook (had a very curried cabbage). Also invited was the Mayoress, Anthea, Hillary and Martin.

During the evening I got used to drinking 'pink gin'. Wow....what a taste! Going to try that more often. Will buy some bitters during the week.

Friday, 6 April 2007

Got the last meeting over and done with....then off for a BBQ burger (heated up in the microwave)

Blog updated on Good Friday!!

At least I'm trying to keep up to date with it all. Had a reasonable day in Pickwicks. We had some very nice weather, which meant the City Centre was rather quiet.

We opened for 'Sunday' hours which is 1000hrs until 1600hrs. Ho hum.... can't win them all! Anyway, I suspect the Saturday and Bank Holiday Monday trade will be busy.

Last night (Thursday 5th April 2007) I chaired the final City Council meeting before the local elections on 3rd May.

We had a very constructive meeting, despite some interference! I particularly enjoyed the police report. Our new Beat Manager, PC Spencer Scott, is really proving to be an excellent appointment. He has a good feel for the issues, despite being in post for only a few months.

There were some very nice words from Mr Hudsmith and Cllr. Colin Price about me! I was quite embarrassed. A big thanks for their recognition.....

On behalf of the City I said good bye and a thankyou to four Councillors who are retiring at the election (some others may also retire, but that is up to the public). Cllrs Blundell, Sapstead, Sommers and Woods are not standing for election.

I especially wanted to say thank you to Cllr. Blundell (Lib Dem) for her work on the Council, in Civic Services and representing the council on the Wells Museum committee. Also Cllr. Saptead (Conservative) for his work on the City & District Councils, in Civic Services and his professional expertise on the council's planning committee.

After the meeting, I popped into the Mayoress and her husband for supper - which ended up being a BBQ sausage and burger!! Nice!!

Wednesday, 4 April 2007

Mayor's Diary for 5th April 2007 - as published in the Wells Journal

Well spring is definitely here. The weather is improving and people are wearing short sleeved shirts and shorts. As you approach the City, many of the flowers are blooming, which gives our visitors a wonderful sense of Wells as they arrive.

This week is Easter and the long holiday (even longer for those at school). For the record I don’t really ‘do’ chocolate, so my eggs are put into my fridge for a while. However the Mayoress loves anything chocolate – and quite gladly eats all mine. Shocking isn’t it?

Over the past week I’ve attended 6 events, functions and meetings as your Mayor.

On Wednesday I had two events. The first was a series of three presentations to members of the John Lewis Coffee Club, from Southampton. 60 members came to Wells for the day, including a former Mayor and Mayoress of Winchester. The connection here is that my Aunt is part of this club as she had worked for John Lewis (aka Tyrell & Green of Southampton) for about 30 years. My family had a strong connection with the old store.

In fact a couple of the visitors recognised me. It didn’t help that my over zealous Aunt was part of it all. Why does each family have a mad Aunt? More on the visit can be found on my blog, www.mow633.blogspot.com.

Later that evening I attended the Mendip Business Forum in Rook Chapel, Frome. I gave a presentation to the group on the affect the filming of Hot Fuzz had on the City. I based my talk around the general feeling that the filming was for the greater good.

On Thursday, the Mayoress and I attended a concert in the Cathedral hosted by Wells Cathedral School. It was a wonderful evening, which featured some of the best young talent you can find in this country.

I launched the Scout Hut Appeal on Friday, by drawing their raffle. The first prize was a super size egg. There was enough chocolate in there to keep a few people happy.

On Monday, I hosted the inaugural meeting of the Mendip Ladies Group. We had buck fizz on arrival, followed by me giving a guide around the Mayoralty and our civic regalia.

Over the next week my diary includes Council meetings (including a full City Council meeting) and an Easter Party at the Sherston Inn.

Only two candidates - may be we should use the boxing ring...it's good value!!

Had a very good day's trading today. Wasn't expecting it to be as busy! Everyone worked well as a team, especially the new chaps!!

At mid day today, the close of nominations for the local elections meant that it was too late for any more candidates to throw their hat into the ring. All the seats in Mendip are being contested.

In St Thomas ward there will only be Conservative and Lib Dem candidates seeking election to Mendip. This I think is a great shame, as more people ought to be encouraged to stand.

Not too sure about who is standing for City Council yet...but will do tomorrow!!

Later this evening at 1900hrs, I visited the Wells Boxing Club at the Cold Store. They have a great facility down there and have members spanning all ages and backgrounds. Some members just want to get fit...others to box. At £3 for adults and £2 for children, it does seem excellent value.

The club is run to the highest standards, so risk of harm is as reduced as it can be. They have big plans for the future.....I hope they succeed!!

Ann Wain's funeral

Tuesday was a sad day in Pickwicks. It was the day of Ann Wain's funeral.

The cafe opened at 0800hrs and usual, but closed between 1000hrs and 1400hrs. This was to allow everyone to attend.

The funeral was held in Wookey Hole in their splendid church. There was only standing room. It was nice to meet her nieces.

The service was very Ann. Connie, one of Ann's closest and dearest friends gave a moving view of her friendship with Ann. It finished with a lovely poem.

After the service, we were all invited to the Wookey Hole Tea Rooms, which is owned and run by another of Ann's friends Theresa. It was a nice way to end a moving experience.

I was very impressed by the lads who attended from Pickwicks. As they are late teens, many have not been to a funeral before. Sadly, it'll be an experience they'll get used to!!

Later that evening, I attended the Skate park meeting in the Mayor's Parlour and then a meeting for the RUH 1940's night.

That night promises to be fantastic. Tickets are going well, but need to sell more..... so if you can come along on 11th May, be glad to see you.

I gave the ladies one.... a talk that is!!

On Monday we had the first day of the school Easter holidays! Wasn't that busy trade wise... Had two new people start. One for the coffee machine and the other for washing up.

During the morning I hosted the inaugural meeting of the Mendip Ladies Group. This is basically a breakaway WI!!

Sue Drew, one of the organisers, laid on the drinks which included bucks fizz. I gave the ladies a talk about the Mayoralty and a tour of the Parkes Room. Am getting quite good at this now!!

Later that evening, I attended the Wells Chamber of Commerce meeting in the City Arms. I was elected Vice Chairman. The current Chairman, Sally Robertson, has really pulled the group around. Well done to her!!

Brief overview of Friday to Sunday....

I know....I know.... no one will read the blog if I don't keep it up to date!!!

I've have been really busy over the past week!!

Anyway, as a catch up....

On Friday the Mayoress and I attended the Wells Cathedral School Symphonic Journey - which is an Easter concert put on by the school.

As usual, it was superb! It encouraged me to join the Wells Concert Friends. This means you get advanced notice of concerts and events. Well, I must admit, I haven't quite sent off my form....but I will.

After the wonderful concert and having the opportunity to meet Michael Evis, we went over to Cedar House for drinks. A wonderful end to a brilliant evening.

On Saturday I hosted an evening in the Mayor's Parlour for my former colleagues from Great Mills. We often get together for a curry or Chinese. This time, it was my turn to host.

We met in The Crown and then ordered either pizza or curry. After finishing our take aways, I gave the group a tour of the Town Hall and a talk on the Mayoralty.

Both Tony and Marian are really into history, so they enjoyed it!! Was great to see Marian Duke, Tony Jones and Jane Brine (alongside their partners).

After they all went home, I went for a drink in Kudos (as it was the only place open at 0130hrs). Sadly, my coat was given to the wrong person by the cloakroom attendant. However, all was sorted by Sunday lunchtime and I had my coat back!!

Just chilled for the rest of Sunday!!